Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is committed to ensuring that qualified businesses of all types receive meaningful subcontracting and vendor opportunities with us. To begin the process, please follow the steps outlined below.
- Please review www.usra.edu to learn more about USRA's Programs and areas of research, so as to help you determine where your products or services might be the best fit. USRA is more likely to require goods and services related to its highly specialized areas of research or programs than items of general interest.
- Please fill out the Vendor Registration format the link on this page below.
- If USRA has a requirement that matches your capabilities, a procurement specialist from one of our business centers will contact you.
- Potential suppliers (Small or Large) should utilize the Small Business Liaison Officer (SBLO) as their initial point of contact at USRA.
- Vendor Registration
- Terms and Conditions
- Audit Report FY22
- Contact Information
- Secure Vendor EFT Registration Instructions