Governance & Leadership

The Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is a nonprofit research corporation organized under the laws of the District of Columbia. USRA is also approved by the U.S. Government as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


USRA's governance is grounded in its broad university membership. Each member university of USRA appoints a representative to serve on a Council of Institutions (COI). The member institutions are divided into ten regional groups, headed by an appointed regional secretary. The COI establishes bylaws and elects a Board of Trustees. The current Council of Institutions Chair is Dr. Joan Ramage (Lehigh University).


The Board has 16 members, including ten regional trustees, one for each of ten regional groups of the member universities, and four at-large trustees. The Trustees appoint the President. The President and the chair of the COI serve on the board, ex-officio. Each Trustee serves a three-year term.


USRA has a Science Council for discipline areas in which it operates. Each Council has a membership of six to nine. Members are drawn from outside of USRA and are appointed by the Trustees, based upon significant standing within their respective fields. The Science Councils provide independent advice to the President and institute and program directors. The Science Councils provide respective communities a means to review and assess USRA activities, as well as advise on future directions. Each Council meets annually, or as appropriate.

Combining years of experience in the field with a commitment to the future of space science, USRA's leadership drives the association into the future.